Sunday, March 4, 2012

Let's start something new....

It's been awhile....

I have had this need to have some more creativity in my life lately so I decided to indulge this need. I really love photography (more of from an observer's standpoint than from participating in the activity) and have wanted to start taking some more photos. But it always seems like there is nothing to take pictures of in my life so I haven't delved into my own picture taking skills.

With that now stated, I have decided to give myself an assignment to become the participant! I came up with this plan and will carry it out.

365 Days of Adjectives in Photos

Everyday I will take a photo that represents the adjective of that day. I have made (meaning I went online and found one) a list of adjectives. Each day I will pick an adjective out of my "adjective jar" (right now that is an empty mason jar filled with the printed off adjectives).

Then I will post the photo and possibly stories that go with it.

Well, there it is. I start tomorrow. Wish me luck!

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