Thursday, March 8, 2012

Day 4: Terrible

1. Causing great fear or
alarm; dreadful.
2. Extremely formidable.
3. Extreme in extent or
degree; intense.
4. a. Unpleasant;
b. Very bad.

I was a little worried when I pulled this word out of my jar today that it was foreshadowing my choir's performance tonight. Luckily, that was not the case and the Voices of Thunder did FANTASTIC!
So I began to think about something terrible in my life right now, which, happily, was difficult to do because things are actually going pretty well. Then I got to my classroom this morning and saw these "joyous" things waiting for me.

They look so harmless don't they? With their bright colors and sparkles. But it's all a lie because when put into the hands of my students they are actually an instrument of torture - pun intended. I teach music at an elementary school and this week I have started teaching my 5th and 6th graders to play the recorder. I went into this already disliking recorders and that feeling has grown into an almost monstrous hatred within a few day. Maybe going into this with that opinion hasn't helped but thus it is. I am trying to be positive about teaching the recorders and maybe it will get better. But I can't help but feeling like there should be some terrifying music booming when I have to utter the words, "OK class, pull out your recorders" and then the nice, brightly-colored woodwinds change into the monstrosities they really are. THIS!

1 comment:

LizzyBaird said...

lol i remember those days! I loved them as a child in fact that is partly what got me into music in the first place. So you never know you may be changing someones life!