1. Feeling, expressing, or characterized by envy.
2. Eager to emulate; emulous.
For those of you that don't know, one of my favorite past-times in life is going swinging. I don't really know why it started but when I was like 13 or 14 I would grab my walkman (yeah, that's right walkman) and go to the park behind my house and disappear into a world of music and day-dreams. Now, ten years later, I still do the same thing though there have been some changes: luckily I now have an iPod so I don't have to drag my cassette tape collection anymore and Provo has more people in it. The later change has created something of a difficulty lately. Now that it is getting warmer, people are starting to come to the park more often making getting a daily swing a difficult. It has also stirred some very negative emotions up in me. Every time, I turn the corner to see the park that is two blocks away from my apartment, I dread the sight of seeing people on the two swings at the park (two swings is NOT enough for any park). When I see the swings filled, I always stop in my tracks and am filled with an overwhelming feeling of jealousy and envy. The worst is when it's a couple who think it's romantic to sit in the swing staring into each other's eyes. THEY AREN'T EVEN SWINGING! ... so I usually end up creepily sitting at the picnic table behind the swing and wait. Don't judge me.
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