Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 8: Wild

1. Occurring, growing, or living in a natural state; not domesticated, cultivated, or tamed.
2. Not inhabited or farmed.
3. Uncivilized or barbarous; savage.
4. Lacking supervision or restraint. Disorderly; unruly. Characterized by a lack of moral restraint; dissolute or licentious.
5. Lacking regular order or arrangment; disarranged.
6. Full of, marked by, or suggestive of strong, uncontrolled emotion.
7. Extravagant; fantastic.
8. Furiously disturbed or turbulent; stormy.
9. Risky; imprudent.
10. Impatiently eager. Informal Highly enthusiastic.
11. Based on little or no evidence or probability; unfounded.
12. Deviating greatly from an intended course; erratic.
13. Games Having an equivalence or value determined by the cardholder's choice.

I spent the weekend at my brother's house. While there we had some adventures with Photo Booth on my mac - one of AY's favorite past times and the whole family got into it.

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