Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Day 25: Sample

1. Serving as a specimen.

Spring break really threw off my blogging groove but now I'm back! I thought as my first post I would show a small "sample" of my photos from my trip.

It began with a passover seder at the Satterfield home.

Multnomah Falls


Rivka and I found this outside Powell's and it brought joy to my heart. If you have not yet watched Sherlock, I highly recommend it.

Lamb Shawarma!

I met up with my good friend Alan and we went to the Japanese Garden. Below are my two favorite pictures from that day.

:) Sumo.

Jack and me just goofing off in the laboratory.

Astoria Column

Love of my life!

My sister, the softball star.

All in all, one of the best trips I've had in a while. Thank you O'Neals!

1 comment:

Rivka said...

....the laboratory! Bahahaha! BTW you forgot to mention that your softball star sister is HAWT...know what I'm sayin'?