Sunday, June 3, 2012

Day 36: Scattered

1. occurring or distributed over widely spaced and irregular intervals of time or space.
2. lacking orderly continuity.

My thoughts and emotions (and what seems like my entire life now) seem to be a good definition of scattered.  Now that I'm done with teaching for the summer I want to try and get my life back in order and really focus on loving myself.  

I've made some goals for myself this summer.  One of which is to teach myself how to paint.  I've done quite a bit of drawing but not much painting and thought it was about time to try it.  Today, in one of my moments of feeling "scattered," I busted out my paints and thought, "Why not start today?" 

This was the outcome:

Day 35: Helpful

1. Providing assistance; useful.

AY with his new glasses.  I love this kid!  He's such a help to me when I need to have my spirits lifted.

Day 34: Thankful

1. Aware and appreciative of a benefit; grateful
2. Expressive of gratitude.

Thankful for hiking trips with good friends to great places.
Friends: Patrice and Neisah
Place: Stewart Falls

Waterfall at Lu-shan

Sunlight streams on the river stones.
From high above, the river steadily plunges--

three thousand feet of sparkling water--
the MIlky Way pouring down from heaven.

-- Li Po

Day 33: Curious

1. Eager to learn more.
2. Unduly inquisitive; prying.
3. Arousing interest because of novelty or strangeness.
4. Archaic
        a. Accomplished with skill or ingenuity.
        b. Extremely careful; scrupulous.

I find it curious that you can find some great advice in the strangest places.  Even in a fortune cookie from  a 10:34 p.m. run to Panda Express.